Thursday, April 21, 2005

29:05 Exhibition : Transient Transitions

Often, we grapple with the paradox of feeling both deeply rooted and in transition in a swiftly changing world. I found inspiration in the power of light, which bends and manifests to obtain form. The ambiguity of lapsed time and movement provides an intriguing dimension within these visual spaces. The kinetic fluidity of lines and forms create images that are strikingly dramatic while possessing an inherently ambient quality.


Artist Statement

Trees form the recurrent theme in my art making process. To me, they serve as a metaphor for the human condition. Perhaps it is because of their constant presence that we often take trees for granted. Walking and long bus rides often draws my attention to trees. A keen sense of observation heightens my awareness of how trees stand, lean and the various personalities they possess, just like humans.

In creating these images, I have focused specifically on the ongoing relationship between humans and trees. The stylized figures are often dynamic, acrobatic, in motion, and interact with their pictorial space. The figure or figures contemplate the meaning of life through various tree forms within which they become a part of, are separated from or hiding in, in harmony with or in tension against. They are often depicted as ambiguous shapes without features to portray humans without identities.




Trees with outstretched, tangled branches provide a variety of inspirations for my work. They may evoke a fearful quality, the finger-like branches producing a sense of entrapment; humans find means to avoid capture from unpleasant experiences and difficulties they encounter in daily life.



Even our thought patterns are formed like branches, with their roots locked before existence and their crowns in the unknown world of tomorrow. The visual representation of a tree that branches at both ends is a model of the universe as a living organism. It is a metaphorical map – the universe outside the individual as well as the internal branches of consciousness in man, with its highest branches in the heavens and its roots deep within the dark underneath.

We, The Citizens


This piece is a jibe at what it means to be a Singaporean. I love my garish palette. Keeps me on the edge everytime.




A heightened sense of danger here. Stark colours intensify the sense of expectancy in the face of a tree.



A connection or link associating humans and the trees is shown. The arms of the central figure are extended upwards, joining heaven to earth. The trees seem to be part of a greater power than what the mind can imagine. The simple fact that trees are always in motion, ever changing with the seasons, yet set in one place and cannot move makes them, for me, a constant in this experiment. Do we not ourselves, at times, feel both deeply rooted and in transition?

When the Bough Breaks


In When the Bough Breaks, the figure in the foreground sits in contemplation as turmoil surrounds him. The posture of the figure is one of peacefulness while in contrast, it is portrayed against an unsettling background; depicting the private struggles of man with the complexities and multiple meanings of life. The idea of peace and chaos, experienced in daily human life is portrayed here.

Entrapment II


Entrapment II depicts the feeling of urgency, claustrophobia and danger one feels in the presence of the tree, a kind of supernatural animosity exudes from that tree. The idea of predator and prey, of being captured in an unknown circumstance is portrayed.


Pinhole Photography Magic!

pinhole1 pinhole2

Taking pictures has never yielded this many surprises. Many thanks to my teacher and mentor, Tang Da Wu, whose patience and guidance has renewed my interest in this medium. :)

Long Live the Roach


This photo will always remind me of the days Joyce and I dove into sewers, manholes, stinky drains and other filthy places to shoot a video for Paul. Also, arranging the little guy's antennas. Sure was, upside down inside out.

Practicum Fun!!!

Providing opportunities that make the learning space fun, dynamic and challenging, students are encouraged to experiment and innovate. Empowered with the freedom to achieve their goals, they feel valued and are truly inspired. :)

Action Painting!

Wanna splash and sploosh around in paint and let your feet do the painting??! Only in MY CLASS!!!
WARNING: Not recommended for the faint hearted.
WARNING2: The DM might not find it amusing.




Scanner Art!

Squash your face against the glass and have a FREE Extreme Makeover! Life altering results! Guaranteed.
See no evil. Speak no evil. Smell no evil. Hear no evil.

nose scan1 scan2 ear

(photos courtesy of Sec 3A/B/C/D/E students, West Spring Secondary School)

Monday, January 31, 2005

Artist CV


2003-2005 National Institute of Education Singapore
Diploma in Art Education

1993-1995 LaSalle-SIA College of the Arts
Diploma in Graphic Design

1988-1989 St Andrew’s Junior College
GCE ‘A’ Level

1984-1987 St Margaret’s Secondary School
GCE ‘O’ Level


2003 SiliconPlus Communications Pte Ltd
Art Director

2001-2002 Novus Design Pte Ltd
Senior Designer

2000-2001 Citrus Design Pte Ltd
Graphic Designer

1997-1999 Singapore Science Centre
Creative Artist

1995-1996 Prestige Screentech Pte Ltd
Graphic Artist

1991-1991 Standard Commercial Training Centre


2005 Wall Mural Design
West Spring Secondary School

2004 Conducted PhotoShop Workshop (Art Club)
West Spring Secondary School

2003 Raffles Girls School / Raffles Institution Alumni Exhibition

1994 Exhibition design & layout for the official opening,
Association of Muslim Professionals, Singapore


1995 Dimension Five Diploma Show
LaSalle-SIA College of the Arts Singapore